Saturday, February 11, 2017

Ophthalmology Appointment

Guess who's getting glasses??????

Colton is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We took Colton to get his eyes checked last week because he's had one eye that would turn in every now and then. I noticed that it would happen more when he was tired. I had no idea what to expect at the appointment because our family has never had glasses. What would they even do with a baby that can't read an eye chart? But we both were about to find out...

Well...they put eye drops in his eyes to dilate his pupils. Then after a few minutes, the doctor came in and shined a few lights into his eyes. He then grabbed some lens looking things and held them over each eye until he found a lens that worked for Colton. The good news is that Colton doesn't have Glaucoma. So his eyes are healthy. The bad news is that Colton is farsighted, which means that he has trouble seeing things up close. Most adults become farsighted as they age and need to get a pair of readers to help them see things up close. Colton needs a +5 in both eyes. For people with glasses, that might mean something to you. To me, it meant nothing. But...I hear that's pretty significant. The doctor held up some lenses for me to look through to see how Colton sees. It was pretty blurry to me and kind of made me dizzy. The doctor told me that the reason Colton's eye would turn in was because he was trying so hard to focus on things up close, that one of his eyes would move too far in. It makes sense. It also might be why he's had more trouble grabbing at things in front of him like puffs or toys. Feeding yourself might be hard if you can't even see the puffs clearly in front of you. Glasses might open up a whole new world for Mr. Colton. He doesn't seem too mad about it.

They sent me away with a prescription and told me to go get him some glasses. I was like...UMMMMM.....OK???? I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. This is all new to me. He did tell me that since children with DS don't have much of a nasal bridge, there are certain glasses that are better for them. He couldn't remember the name and said their facility didn't carry any, but thankfully, I have a Facebook Group that came to my rescue. Some suggestions were: Specs4us (Erin's World) or Dilly Dally. I called an Eyecare place nearby and they can help me. They said to bring him in and we can try some on and look through a catalog to order a few pairs we're interested in. When those come in, we can take him back to see if we like the way they fit. I want to make sure they fit well so that he isn't able to grab them and throw them across the room.....which I'm sure will still happen ALL OF THE TIME!

I have to admit that finding out that Colton needs glasses hurt my heart a little. I was a little bummed. In the big picture of life is it really a big deal? No. But it's one more thing to deal with. In the beginning, I'm gonna have to put those things on and off multiple times a day. It's gonna be hard at first, but he'll get used to wearing them. I'm hoping that he realizes how much better they make his world and he wants to wear them. But in the end, it's not about me. It's about Colton....and I want him to be able to see! So we are gonna go pick out some glasses and he's gonna ROCK them. I mean, he's gonna be pretty darn cute in some glasses. My project this week is to go find the right pair for him. Stay tuned for pics of the new and improved Colton!

1 comment:

  1. And then he will see (rather than feel) what a beautiful family he has
