Colton can officially SIT UP!!!!! Hallelujah! We have been waiting on this milestone for a LONG time!!!!
On Saturday, November 19th, it was like a light switched on and he could just do it! We are SO proud. He could sit some before, but it was like 30 seconds at a time and then he'd fall over. Now, I can leave him and he can actually play with toys without falling over right away.
It is funny that as soon as we switched his Reflux medicine from Zantac to Prevacid he started sitting we are wondering if maybe the new medicine is helping his stomach feel better. He used to arch so much when we'd try to sit and he'd spit up all of the time. So...maybe it's a coincidence, but I do think that his tummy is feeling much better. And he's not spitting up as much as he used to. That's a win, too!
He's also rolling all over the floor and is starting to get tangled up in his blankets.
Now, we've got to work on transitions. We need to teach him how to go from lying on the floor to a sitting position, without the help from mommy. We also need to learn how to go from a sitting position into a crawling position. He can't quite hold the crawling position without some help from's hard to keep that large tummy off of the ground. We've gotta get his arms stronger so that he can hold himself up.
We are SO excited that Mr. Colton can finally sit up. He's outgrowing his car seat carrier, but he couldn't sit up in a cart yet, so grocery shopping was getting quite interesting. Next trip, we'll try to sit in the cart like a big boy! And strapping him to me is no longer an option...unless I want to break my back. He's quite a heavy dude these days!
Sitting up makes playing more fun...especially when you go to The Wonder Place.
We are proud of you baby boy!!! Keep working hard!
You sure got your Christmas present early this year from Colton. zjust love the pictures of him. Wishing all of you a Blessed Christmas and New Year