My sweet're ONE! I just can't believe it's been a year. As I think back about the day you were born, I am overwhelmed with so many emotions. This year seemed fast, but also slow. You've come so far and have changed so much. I've come so far and have changed so much. It's crazy what can happen in just one year. To me, it's more than just your first birthday. It's knowing that we've made it through all of the unknowns and challenges of the first year and we are doing okay. We survived! Things have fallen into place and we feel good about your school and your doctors and we are learning the ropes of raising a child with DS. Sure, there are going to be many more unknowns and challenges coming our way, but we have a great support system to help us navigate those things when necessary. We did it! I wrote you a poem and want to share pictures of your first year. Happy Birthday, Colton!
On the day that you were born
I wasn't surprised to see
That you had blonde hair
and big blue eyes like me.
But what I didn't know
Is that you would be rare
You are my precious diamond
No one can quite compare
You've already taught me so much
You were "special" from the start
And that smile that God gave you
Can warm the coldest heart
I'm thankful for you, Colton
I love to share our story
Thanks be to God
I give Him all the glory.
We love you! Happy 1st Birthday, Pudge!
Happy 1st Birthday Colton! You are so fortunate to have a special mom and dad that love you so much. God has a great plan for you.