As a mom, it's hard to leave your child for the first time. You constantly worry about them. Will he cry? Will he have a dirty diaper? Will he get hungry? Will they know how to comfort him? Lots of things to think about. With Weston, I was nervous to leave him for the first time, but I wasn't as nervous as I was with Colton. Weston is like any other kid. If you've had a kid before, you can handle Weston. He's typical. But Colton, Colton's special. But to be honest, he's really no different than a typical child at this point. He eats, he sleeps, he poops. He lets anybody hold him and if you talk to him, you'll see that smile. That BIG smile that lights up his whole face and melts your heart. When you see that smile, you can't help but love him. This is the one I'm talking about...
So...there really is no problem with leaving him. The problem is....ME! I'm very protective of my Colton. He's my bestie. We've been together every single day of his life. Now, I've left him for several hours with family before...but never someone other than family. This morning, I left Colton for the very first time at our Church Nursery. I walked into the room and told them that it was his very first time. There was an older man with glasses that was so welcoming. I had Colton in his car seat carrier and the man immediately said, "Well, let's get him out of there so I can hold him." I told the man that Colton had DS. I wanted him to know that Colton is 6 months old but he can't sit up yet because of his low tone. You see, Colton is a big boy so sometimes people think he's older than he really is...which also means they think he can do more than he actually can. I told him that he doesn't have any medical issues. He asked me if Colton would need a bottle and I told him no. I made sure Colton was fed before we went. Feeding Colton is different...not hard, just different. The thickness usually throws people off, so I prefer to feed him. As I passed Colton over to the man, he whimpered just a little...that's the first time I've ever seen him a little unsure of leaving me. It made me a little sad, but the man took him and immediately went to a rocking chair. Colton did not cry. I left and went to church. During church, I checked my phone no less than 15 times. I just wanted to make sure they didn't text me for any reason. Colton made it through the entire service, which lasted 1 1/2 hours. When I went to pick him up, he was sound asleep in a swing. The man was sitting right beside him holding another baby. He said that Colton was great! Colton was happy and the other kids kept trying to bring him toys. He said he put him in the swing after a little while and Colton fell asleep. He'd been asleep about 20 minutes. As I moved him to his car seat, he woke up and gave me a BIG smile. As I was leaving, the man said, "Please bring him back. He was great!" It was very sweet of him to say that. I think he could sense my nervousness as I dropped him off. Colton's first time in the Nursery was awesome! Deep down, I knew it would be because he's a good baby, but I still worried because kids can be unpredictable. I know each time it will only get easier. And sometime, someone other than family will have to feed him a bottle. will be ok. Just like today was ok. Baby steps...
One day at a time. He is a beautiful baby and gives much love to everyone