Weight: 10 lbs 14 oz
27th Percentile
Length: 22 3/4 inches
39th Percentile
Head: 15 1/2 inches
32nd Percentile
The percentiles are for a typical baby. A lot of times, DS babies won't fall on the typical baby scale. They do tend to be smaller people. My Pediatrician told me that Colton is very tall for a DS baby. Hmmmmmmm.....I wonder where he gets that from? Maybe his 6'5" dad? I also read somewhere that the average man with DS is 5'4" and the average female is 4'11". So, who knows how tall Colton will be. But for now, he's a pretty big baby! Our Doctor was very happy with his stats. She was also impressed with his tone. She said that he has pretty good tone for a baby his age.
I filled out one of those forms about the 2 month milestones before I met with the Pediatrician....I forget what they're called? As I was filling it out, I told myself, "Carrie, remember, he has DS. He is going to be behind in things because he is not a typical 2 month old baby. It's going to be okay." But to my surprise, he actually did just fine. I know in the future, he may fall farther and farther behind, but for now, he passed every section except for Communication. At that appointment, he wasn't smiling at me or cooing just yet. He wasn't showing excitement when I went to get him out of the crib. However, 2 weeks later, all of those things started to happen. And that's when my heart really started to melt...
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