One of the things I am most excited about is Colton's language development. Not only is Colton showing us that he is understanding more language, but he is using sign language and speaking to communicate with us. I'm not sure if you know this or not, but some people with Down Syndrome are non-verbal. A lot of them learn sign language so that they do have a way to communicate, but that can still be very frustrating. Colton is showing us that he will not be non-verbal. Colton LOVES to talk! He has always been a babbler, but lately, words are starting to come out. Not all of his words are consistent. He might say a word one time, and then never again, but at least he said it. Colton has been blessed with the ability to hear. His ears are really good. In his life, he has only had 3 ear infections. They told me at birth that he would probably fail his hearing test, but he didn't. At his Audiology appointment last year (as a 1 year old), he passed in both ears. His ENT told me that she would put tubes in his ears during his tonsillectomy if there was fluid in the middle ear (which she thought was very likely), but guess what? No fluid! No tubes! She was shocked! Colton being able to hear is a huge BLESSING and that will definitely help him with his Speech. He is really starting to mimic words I say. So far, Colton can say several words consistently.
Ball, Da-Da, Baby, More, Up, Bath, Go, Jump, Swim, Day, Bye Bye, Boy, and sometimes Eat.
He attempts to say more words than that, but I wouldn't count them as mastered. His absolute favorite word is Ball. Colton will sit on the floor and throw a ball back and forth with you for hours if you let him. He will say ball when he wants you to throw it to him. Colton is doing very well with sign language. Some words he only says, some words he only signs, and some words he says and signs simultaneously. Here are a few words he definitely can sign:
All Done, Mama, Eat, More, Jump, Swing, Swim, Go, Brother, Outside, Baby, Day...
Another thing that Colton is doing really well is motions to songs. This makes me so happy! He loves the Wheels on the Bus; Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes; If you're Happy and you know it; Calling the Hogs; and The Itsy Bitsy Spider. As soon as I start singing the song, his arms get to moving. Colton definitely loves music and likes to jam out in the car with me to Disney Songs.
It took Colton quite a while to start mimicking me. I felt like I waved Hi and Bye to him for months and months before he would actually do it back to me, and then one day he did and blew me away. The same thing with blowing kisses, which he's a champ at, now. That's just how it is with Colton. We do things over and over and over and then one day, BOOM, he does it or says it. His response time is getting faster.
Another VERY exciting thing is that Colton is WALKING!!!!!! Colton took his first steps on March 21 (World Down Syndrome Day) at 26 months old! Of course, he waited to take those steps until Mom was in Colorado taking big brother snow skiing. I received a video from his therapists that morning and was in tears. We have WAITED for this day for so long. Colton made his PT work very hard to get him to walk. Colton is very stubborn, and I mean, VERY stubborn. As in, there are days he absolutely refuses to even put his feet on the ground to stand. He will hold his legs up in a sitting position when you try to get him to stand and refuse. It's so frustrating because he CAN stand if he wants to stand. He CAN walk, if he wants to walk. We spent an entire week in Florida with family after he had taken his first steps and do you think that boy would show anybody he could walk on his own? Absolutely not. That stinker!! Every time I'd let go of his hand, he'd sit down. What a turkey! But then when we came back from Florida, he decided vacation was over and he'd walk. And now he has just taken off. One of the hardest skills for Colton is standing up on his own in the middle of the room (without any furniture to help him). His PT has been working that skill over and over this past week and boy is he starting to get it. He finally is WANTING to walk. All we needed was a little intrinsic motivation. Colton is starting to get busier at home. The other day, Weston forgot to shut the bottom gate on the stairs and I found Colton on the 8th stair. My life is about to get busy...just in time for baby #3. LOL!

Colton's fine motor skills are also progressing because he grew three months in OT from one evaluation to the next. The only thing that Colton is really far behind in is his eating/self-feeding. Part of this is my fault because I'm a clean freak who doesn't like to give up control (I apologize right now to his therapists! I'm trying to get better!). This summer, I'm gonna have to strip him down and let him eat outside on the deck. Colton is actually a good eater. He likes a lot of different foods and will eat most anything I feed him. He just needs it to be cut into small bites. He likes spaghetti, pork chops, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, yogurt, applesauce, oatmeal, chicken pot pie, macaroni and cheese, strawberries, bananas, nutri grain bars... The main problem Colton has is that he doesn't CHEW food. Like, not at all. He either smashes it on the roof of his mouth or just swallows it whole. I can't even give him goldfish or he will choke and I have to fish it out. He will put food in his mouth like Cheerios or Goldfish, but he doesn't know what to do with them. It's so weird! So...I'm really ready for Colton to learn to chew. I'd love to be able to throw some snacks on his tray (like Puffs, cereal, crackers, blueberries, yogurt melts) and he can manage them without choking. Oh, that would be so helpful with baby brother coming soon! But it's a work in progress and I'm just gonna have to be patient. Someday, he'll do it...when he wants to do it!

Colton is doing so well right now. His personality is so fun. He's just so sweet and happy! I absolutely love watching my boy grow and learn. It is so good for my soul. Colton is my little buddy and I'm so excited to get him out of his crib every morning and love on him. He gives the best cuddles. I'm proud of Colton and I'm so glad we found a school that is wonderful to him. I can't wait to watch him continue to grow and amaze me.