God Is Good!
Our card this year says it all. 2016 has been quite the year for our family. In fact, 2016 has been the HARDEST year of my life. There's been lots of surprises, lots of research, lots of appointments, lots of decisions to make, lots of learning curves, lots of tears, lots of smiles, lots of life changes, lots of patience...and a whole lot of what I call "Adulting." It's been stressful and tiring. Needless to say, I'm happy to say goodbye to 2016 and to bring on a New Year! But just because this year has been HARD, doesn't mean that it has been BAD. Looking back, God has blessed us in many ways this year. If I had to choose the biggest blessing, it would have to be...Colton's health. When you research DS, you see that most babies are born with major heart defects that require surgery. Some babies have digestive issues that require surgery. The narrow nasal passages and ear canals cause fluid to back up, resulting in chronic ear infections and/or pneumonia/RSV. In Colton's first year of life, he never went to the NICU, he's never been hospitalized, he's never had surgery, and he's never even been on an antibiotic. The only thing he's needed is Reflux medicine. He's had a few colds, but he's been able to get over them on his own. He has been a picture of health. I'm not saying that will always be the case...I'm probably jinxing it right now. But I'm SO very thankful for his health this first year. I can't imagine doing what all we've done this year with a sick baby who's in and out of the hospital. There are a lot of families out there that have had to do that...and it breaks my heart for them. Thank you, God, for Colton's health. We realize what a blessing that is this year.
This year, I've had moments of weakness when I've said, "2016 has been the WORST year of my life!" But that's not true. That's just my stressed and tired self talking. I can't say that it's been the WORST because...2016 gave me Colton. My happy, sweet, beautiful baby Colton. I'm so excited that he's here to enjoy Christmas with us this year. He's one of my greatest gifts. When I see this picture, my heart just melts. Everything that I've done for him this year, I'd do again in a heartbeat. He is totally worth it! He completes our family!
Our family would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for following our journey this year. Thank you for caring about our Colton. Thank you for wanting to learn more about Down Syndrome. Your love, support, and comments mean so much to us. We hope you will continue to follow our journey in 2017.
Peace out 2016! We're ready to make fun memories as a family of 4!

"Every good and perfect gift comes from above." James 1:17.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever." Psalm 136:1