On August 22, I got a positive pregnancy test. This came as a huge SHOCK for Hunter and me. We weren't trying to get pregnant. We hadn't planned on trying for another 5 or 6 months. Colton was only 7 months old, which would mean he'd only be 15-16 months old when baby #3 arrived. We were a little anxious and excited and surprised! We both decided that there was no need to worry. God is in control and He knows what's best for our family. So...we went on with life and kept it a secret. We made it to our 8 week appointment. At our ultrasound, we saw a heartbeat. Our doctor told us that if we made it to the 8 week mark and saw a heartbeat, we only had a 3% risk of miscarriage. We decided that we'd wait until 10 weeks to have blood drawn for genetic testing and gender reveal. We were getting excited, but still didn't feel ready to share our news with the world.
On Tuesday, September 27th at 9.5 weeks pregnant, I started spotting. The nurse called me that morning and told me that my labs showed I had a UTI. I asked her if spotting was normal with a UTI and she told me that sometimes can happen. I thought nothing of it. Unfortunately that evening, I got a horrible headache that left me nauseous and unable to eat dinner. My spotting started to get worse and I decided to just go to bed. I slept for a few hours...but when I woke up around 10:30 pm, I knew that I was having a miscarriage. My doctor was on call that evening, so I spoke with her and she told me that if I started to feel dizzy or light-headed, or if I was bleeding really heavily, I needed to go to the ER. Around 1:30 am, I told Hunter that we needed to go to the hospital. His parents came to stay with the boys and we arrived at the hospital around 2 am. I was put in a room immediately. They wanted a urine sample and sent me to the bathroom. While in the bathroom, I began feeling extremely light-headed and I yelled to Hunter that I needed help. Minutes later, I passed out and I woke up as they were transferring me from a wheelchair to my bed. I was so confused. My blood pressure was 70/30. My blood count went from a 10.5 to an 8.5 (12 is normal). One great thing was that my doctor was a friend from high school and college, Dr. Burroughs. It was nice to see a familiar face. I knew he'd take great care of me. He said that I was losing so much blood and I might need a blood transfusion, but they weren't going to do that just yet. I went for an ultrasound and had to have several exams. They called my OB and she asked them to give me Cytotek, which is similar to Pitocin. It would help control my bleeding. She told them that she wanted me admitted to the hospital and she'd take over from there. I was moved to a room on the 3rd floor. In that room, things went from bad to worse. The Cytotek was not helping, so they decided to give me more. The nurses left for a few minutes and during that time, I began to have a hot flash and get light-headed. I knew I was going to pass out again, so I pushed the Nurse button and told them "I'm going to pass out...HELP, HELP!" I passed out and woke up to 8 nurses around me. They had called in the Rapid Recovery Nurse, nurses from Labor and Delivery, a Respiratory Nurse, etc... (I scared the living daylights out of them). It's very scary to wake up to all of those faces staring at you. My blood pressure was 63/39. My blood count was a 7. They immediately brought in blood and started a new IV line. I received one unit of blood. My doctor came in and said that the Cytotek was not helping me and we needed to do an emergency D & C. She warned me that the lining of my uterus was soft and there was a risk she could puncture a hole in it, which might result in a total hysterectomy. I told her that I just wanted her to do whatever she needed to do to make this stop. I was so pale from all of the blood loss. I was down in the OR 30 minutes later. The procedure was quick and easy with no complications. My doctor is fabulous! As they were putting me to sleep, she was holding my hand and rubbing my arm and telling me, "It's okay, Carrie, I'm right here with you." She's been with me through all 4 of my miscarriages and she performed both of my D & C's. She's also the one that told me Colton had DS. I am so thankful for her. We have a special bond. I'm so thankful God led me to her 6 years ago.
In no time, I woke up in recovery. They made me stay in recovery until I received another unit of blood. They wanted my blood pressure to come up to the 90's. After 3 hours, I had four readings in the 90's, so they let me move back to my room on the third floor. I finally was able to see Hunter again and contact family and friends. They wanted me to stay overnight to make sure my BP and blood counts were getting back to normal. I have low blood pressure all of the time, but it's usually 110/55. They were happy with it being closer to 95/50. My blood count got to a 9.9. My D & C was exactly what I needed. After my surgery and blood transfusion, things go SO much better. Color returned in my face and I was able to walk around the room. I knew I was getting better because the nurses were coming in less frequently. I sent Hunter home to stay with our boys, and I had an evening to myself to rest. It was really strange to be in the hospital alone. I've only been in the hospital after having a baby, so I was used to a little more noise...and people. Today, September 29th, I was discharged at 11 am. I am now home with my boys. I'm still a little weak and have to take it easy for a few weeks, but I'm doing great. I've never been more excited to see my boys. Hunter walked in with Colton and I began talking...I've never seen his head whip around so fast to look for me.
I'm not sharing this story because I want people to feel sorry for me. Please don't feel sorry for me. I have not been emotional about this experience. To be honest, I didn't cry in the hospital at all. I've been down this road before and I'm at peace with God's decision. This baby was not meant to be. We are not meant to have a third child. When I found out I was pregnant, I prayed for a healthy, typical baby. God did not answer my prayers, and that's ok. I think of the song..."Some of God's greatest gifts, are unanswered prayers." Hunter and I both said that if this pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, we were done having children. This is a sign from God. We have closure. We have decided to stop planning and start living. We are so very thankful for the two little boys that God gave us. It's a miracle, with my past, that they both made it and they're both so healthy. My body as been through enough in the past 6 years. I am done...and I'm completely okay with that. I am not the same person I was 6 years ago...I'm better. I'm stronger. I've learned how tough I am. My faith has grown ten-fold. This entire pregnancy, I kept saying over and over...
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:6
I am okay, emotionally. Physically, I need some time to heal. But I'm excited to close this chapter of our lives and move on. I'm ready to enjoy my boys and watch them grow. Thank you God for my two little boys. We are a perfect family of 4!